57155 Marly
57155 Marly
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Michel THOMAS is a DPLG heritage architect, graduated from the Ecole de Chaillot and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’architecture de Nancy (ENSAN).
For 10 years, Michel THOMAS worked as a consultant and independent subcontractor for several architectural, town planning and local authority agencies, providing project management assistance for the drafting of numerous town planning regulations. of all types, carrying out several heritage studies and providing advice on restoration.
He also worked between 2010 and 2018 in the French Buildings Department of Moselle (UDAP57), where he was responsible in particular for examining town planning files, building permits, and issuing prescriptions for restoration on classified, registered buildings, in protected areas, to carry out Delimited Perimeters of the Surroundings, to carry out heritage studies, advice sheets on restoration, to advise petitioners (elected officials and individuals) on restoration, maintenance, new constructions, various town planning regulations, and to monitor work on restoration sites for religious, fortified, military and industrial buildings.
Between 2015 and 2018, Michel THOMAS followed continuing training as a heritage architect provided at the CHAILLOT school in Paris, during which he was able to work on numerous cases of restoration of heritage buildings (from the Diagnostic phase to 'at the Consolidation, Restoration, Reuse Project and Costing phase). He obtained his heritage architect diploma in July 2018.
Drawing on his professional experience and his new knowledge and skills acquired during training at the CHAILLOT school, Michel THOMAS created Michel THOMAS EIRL in October 2018 to practice on his own as a liberal DPLG heritage architect.
The EIRL Michel THOMAS specializes in heritage restoration. He works on restoration and rehabilitation operations of historic monuments, old buildings located in protected areas, the reconstruction and rehabilitation of civil, military and religious buildings predating the 1940s whatever their condition.
Multi-unit Residential
Commercial - industrial
Historical / Listed Buildings
Public Access Buildings
Project Management
Architects Registration Board