and make an appointment immediately !

Take advantage of the largest free directory of architects in France with more than 145 architects available in the region Île-de-France for your project.

Are you looking for an architect in France for your construction, renovation or conversion project ?

Find the best architect near you

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Landscape Architecture
+ 26

Response under 48 hour

Champs-sur-Marne 77420



NOVARCHI combines the versatility of innovative architects who are experts in their field in order to enhance each stage of your project. With more than 10 years of experience, we are at your disposal to bring your real estate project to fruition!

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Smart Homes
+ 20

Response under 72 hour

Le Perreux-sur-Marne 94170



The Apostrophe Architecture agency carries out projects around the themes of design, architecture and town planning in various fields, both old and new.

Multi-unit Residential
Hotels - Restaurants
Commercial - industrial
+ 11

Response under 72 hour

Nathalie’s philosophy for her projects is holistic and comprehensive, aiming to harmoniously combine all environmental components – exterior and interior, functionality and high aesthetics.

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 22

Response under 24 hour

ATELIER NEUF DIX is an architectural agency created in 2011 by Elisabeth Eon and Pascal Rakotondrafara, architects. The agency is based in Bry Sur Marne (94).

Single-Family Homes
New Build
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 16

Response under 24 hour

Can't find an architect for your project?

We'll find one for you.

TSARA is an architectural firm based in the Île-de-France area. The company uses a design method based on BIM to promote efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly designs. Responsive and attentive to the client, an entire team of professionals works together to bring your architectural project to life.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
+ 22

Response under 48 hour

Fontenay-sous-Bois 94120



CUARKK, the architectural firm that supports you in your projects, from the renovation or construction of your home, to your professional premises.

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
+ 26

Response under 48 hour

Design, Building Permit, Project Budgeting, Planning, Business Consultation, Execution Project Manager, Lifting of Reserves, Turnkey Projects,

Single-Family Homes
Multi-unit Residential
+ 10

Response under 24 hour

Montreuil 93100

Odile DU FOU


360° architecture agency, for unique and tailor-made projects, ready to live and anchored in the challenges of the future

Single-Family Homes
New Build
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 16

Response under 72 hour

Passionate architects, Mathieu Hellénis and Angela Girard integrate functionality, architectural, environmental and technical quality, project economy and meeting deadlines as key factors in their work.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Smart Homes
+ 16

Response under 24 hour

Trouver mon Architecte

Find the right architect near you for your architecture project. On Trouver mon Architecteyou can filter results by, property type, type of work, or architectural style. All of our architects are registered with the French Ordre des architectes, in accordance with their charter.
It's never been easier to find the right architect located near you specialised in project. from design to construction. Discover architects' work, view their contact information and connect with them directly for project, all for free.