Contact èMM Architectures
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èMM Architectures is an agency founded in 2011 by Émilie Bongard, architect and space designer. Graduated from the Boulle school in 2003 (DSAA), then graduated from the Versailles School of Architecture in 2006, she is now a State Architect. This dual training allows the agency to work on any type of project scale, paying particular attention to details, from the largest to the smallest. 

The èMM Architectures agency's primary vocation is to listen to its clients in order to best realize their expectations by creating functional, poetic, luminous, singular spaces, bearers of life and meaning for whoever inhabits them.

To quote Le Corbusier: “Architecture is the learned, correct and magnificent game, of forms assembled in light.” This quote reveals the balance sought in each of the projects submitted to him. 

Being an architect also means knowing how to answer the question that we have not been asked. Listening, understanding and drawing...

Multidisciplinary, its activity extends from global architecture: overvaluation of buildings or houses, to interior architecture: design of offices, houses, apartments. Its projects therefore encompass multiple skills, both technical and aesthetic. 

Whatever the program, whatever the size of the project, the ambition is the same. Reveal the potential of the place, sublimate the volumes, to create "Beauty", transcend words to reveal their dreamlike power at the heart of the material. 

Émilie Bongard's agency today consists of a team of 6 people dedicated to their clients, highlighting complementary skills. Both in the design phases and during construction, until final delivery, the agency supports its clients throughout the process in order to ensure an achievement that meets their ambitions.

After more than 10 years of experiences, èMM Architectures has been able to surround itself with partners who support and complement its skills according to the subjects addressed, whether in the study phases or in the construction phases. 

The agency is the conductor of the service of “doing”. 

An architectural project? Contact Émilie Bongard now and bring your desires to life during a first meeting!

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Property type

Single-Family Homes



Commercial - industrial


Type of Work

New Build


Vertical expension



Interior Architecture & Design




Latest Achievements



  • - Regional


  • - Design / Plans
  • - Building permits
  • - Construction Management
  • - Consulting
  • - Diagnostic


  • - Payment in instalments
  • - Free first appointment

Method of Payment

  • - Transfer


  • - French

Architects Registration Board

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