29000 Quimper
29000 Quimper
100% free - 100% without obligation
PHAAR. Acronym for Particules Harmoniques d'Architectures, a creative studio founded by the Franco-Vietnamese architect Hùng Tôn.
Designed as a protean laboratory, the studio voluntarily opens its field of exploration to several disciplines in order to mutually nourish each of them: architecture, scenography, soundscape and graphics. Although they seem to diverge in their forms, it is always about spatial stories and scenarios. By blurring the boundaries, Studio PHAAR seeks to develop sensitive and specific answers to each question. Architecture is not exclusively the art of construction, but mainly the ability to create a symbiosis between abstract perceptions and bodies subject to gravity. From this weaving between atmospheres, poetry, science and technical know-how, projects are born.
This transversal approach does not obscure the reality of the act of building, its constraints and its impact on the topography of everyday life. However, in the era of hyperspecialization and global shortcuts, the studio will favor the detour - the one that deconstructs habits, the one that adapts, the one that singularizes, the one that discovers the unexpected and responds to specificity.
After a scenography course in Rome and his diploma from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne in 2012, Hùng Tôn perfected his career for 10 years within various Parisian and international architectural agencies such as Remingtonstyle, Shigeru Ban ( Pritzker 2014), Bruno Decaris (Chief Architect of Historic Monuments) and Opus 5 Architects. He will particularly address public and cultural facility projects from the competition outline to the construction phases (museums, conservatories, media libraries, theaters, etc.), new and under rehabilitation, contemporary and heritage sites. He also collaborated with the scenographers Marc Lainé and Stephan Zimmerli, notably for the Comédie Française. At the same time, he will respond to graphic and sound orders for several artists and musicians.
Today based in Quimper, Studio PHAAR is pursuing this transdisciplinary approach with a view to developing these multiple architectures, both on the scale of private commissioning and potential associations for public commissioning. The intervention area remains open and adaptable depending on the nature of the order. As a project is always the result of a collaboration between the sponsor and the designer, the studio remains available for any additional information. Do not hesitate to contact him.
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