36 Quai de Tounis
31000 Toulouse
36 Quai de Tounis
31000 Toulouse
100% free - 100% without obligation
At PRarchitecture, Philippe RAMOND offers a real alternative in the way of designing architecture:
Each project is approached with the acuity it deserves, taking the time for close collaboration with clients, design offices and companies to do the project just right.
The right project is the project that best responds to the various issues. The project that asks the right questions and best integrates the different aspects and contexts specific to it. The right project is the one that best meets the requirements, needs and desires of sponsors and users. Thus, PRarchitecture architects believe that it is important to offer solutions capable of catalyzing them by offering the right combination between economy, sustainability / Flexibility and functionality.
Functionality / Identify uses:
Put functionality, uses, and users at the center of reflection rather than symbolism or aesthetics. (But be careful, this does not mean that aesthetics are neglected either). Make these uses “moments”, encounters so that the function disappears in favor of the user’s experience.
Money remains the crux of the matter. Controlling construction costs is essential to achieving the right project. Start by clearly identifying the uses, to optimize the project.
Master the program to streamline functions. Control the materiality of the project, use clever solutions, encourage the reuse of materials, etc. are all tools to optimize the budget.
Sustainability / Flexibility:
In the current context, doing a sustainable project, in the sense of sustainable development, which optimizes the use of natural resources thanks in particular to the reuse, reuse or recycling of materials and equipment in situ or from external sources, is essential. But also a sustainable project over time also means a project adapted to today's needs, both technical, environmental and usage, capable of evolving easily and with less effort to meet the challenges of tomorrow. A flexible, scalable and adaptive project.
Through this innovative way of working, Philippe RAMOND and his team are able to make your project ideas still waiting for qualified professionals real in a viable and sustainable manner.
Public Access Buildings
Multi-unit Residential
Vertical expension
Energy renovation
New Build
Architects Registration Board