55 Avenue Louis Breguet
31400 Toulouse
55 Avenue Louis Breguet
31400 Toulouse
100% free - 100% without obligation
Franck Duflo graduated in 2003 from the Paris-La-Villette School of Architecture. After a year in the agency, he moved to Liberal in the city of Toulouse while also operating on the Basque and Landes coasts, Bordeaux and Paris, mainly for new individual housing projects, renovations, extensions and elevations. Occasionally he takes pleasure in other programs such as industrial buildings, and more recently restaurants and shops.
Covering all types of programs, Franck Duflo is above all passionate about domestic architecture and the question of housing.
He derives real pleasure from creating atmospheres with you, connecting us to our environment through the constructed space by capturing light, projecting shadows, opening perspectives, playing with textures and above all creating an intimate contact with the nature. The idea is to return to the origins of our being through simple emotions generated by architecture which becomes a source of well-being and balance on a daily basis.
This concern is linked to the environmental question which is at the heart of his reflection on the art of building, thus wood construction for new buildings and extensions/raising heights is favored, or even recycling like several projects from maritime containers in end of cycle. But above all, highlight the existing, a capital thanks to which we save materials, time and money for the second life of a building.
A building must be bioclimatic, work intelligently and take advantage of its environment, orient itself properly to recover solar energy in winter for heating while protecting itself from it in summer, choose the right colors, the right materials to either capture heat or protect against it. Understand the prevailing winds and use them to cool the house in the summer. Insulate yourself properly with healthy & ecological products.
So the architect with these issues is the only building professional who goes beyond the simple principle of building, he brings meaning and quality to the building you need. Its core business is the complete mission which goes from the design to the completion of your project. By managing all stages, he ensures that the construction remains faithful and consistent to the initial concepts and requirements despite the budgetary and technical constraints that the project will go through.
Do not hesitate to contact Franck DUFLO to discuss your project!
Single-Family Homes
Hotels - Restaurants
Multi-unit Residential
Vertical expension
New Build
Architects Registration Board