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For Matthieu Blanche, architect of AABCDEF (Atelier d'Architecture Blanche pour une Construction Durable dans une Environnement Formidable), the architect's mission must take into account current issues. Whether these are climatic, environmental or economic, they must transcend their status as constraints to become engines of creativity and innovation.

This mission begins with imagination.

For Matthieu Blanche, being an architect means being a constructor, a builder. It's also being a bit of a dreamer: he has a duty to continue to preserve magical, offbeat, sensitive thinking.

Thus, by preserving these creative qualities, it is not the constraints of reality that shape the project: the constraints become creative tools, parameters to take into account, but certainly not founding principles of the project.

To imagine is to project oneself into the future. It means considering spaces, materials and uses, atmospheres, lights and sounds. This is the design phase.

Matthieu Blanche is an architect who does not imagine designing alone: ​​he imagines for his client, the project owner. The dialogue between the two is very important in order to prepare the right choices, to project the right ideas, to respond to the client's dream. When the client's dream becomes that of the architect, then we can go further: we can start to build, renovate or improve reality.

The architect must not be just a dreamer. He is also a builder. The architect is the conductor of the construction: his work is a very real work which will be inhabited, used, explored.

The design mission can then be transformed into that of the act of building.

Matthieu Blanche perceives this new mission as a human adventure. It is never carried out by the architect and the client alone. The latter is accompanied in the right direction, from the first sketches to the end of the project, including the choice and dialogue with the craftsmen. This dialogue will be essential to take into account economic and technical realities, respect environmental and climatic requirements and achieve high functional and aesthetic quality.

This Architect-Client-Companies triangle will be the cornerstone of the implementation of the project.

From idea to reality. From concept to construction. From project to object. Are your projects simply sketches or ideas? Or do you want to go further and achieve the constructed outcome of your dreams? Whatever the limits that you wish to set, it is in a progressive approach, and step by step, that AABCDEF, led by Matthieu Blanche, will be able to support you.

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Property type

Passive House / Eco-friendly




Type of Work

Energy renovation

Feasibility Studies

Interior Architecture & Design


New Build





Latest Achievements

Energy renovation of a townhouse
Individual wooden frame house


  • - Regional
  • - National


  • - Diagnostic
  • - Consulting
  • - Construction Management
  • - Building permits
  • - Design / Plans
  • - Home pre-purchase advice


  • - Free first appointment
  • - Payment in instalments

Method of Payment

  • - Transfer
  • - Direct Debit


  • - English
  • - Spanish
  • - Spanish
  • - French

Architects Registration Board


100% free - 100% without obligation

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