94300 Vincennes
94300 Vincennes
100% free - 100% without obligation
Welcome to the MAESTRA ARCHITECTURE profile! We support you in your architectural projects with a pragmatic, creative and sustainable approach. This agency brings together architects and interior designers, who work closely with partners specializing in construction.
MAESTRA ARCHITECTURE imagines and creates inspiring living, sharing and working spaces, integrating ecological issues at the heart of each project. Committed to a sustainable future, the agency favors the use of environmentally friendly materials and constantly explores eco-responsible technologies.
Founder of MAESTRA, Lucie Tordjman is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais. Her career includes studies at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris as well as at the School of Fine Arts in Vienna. Her expertise is enriched by an artistic and musical background, bringing a unique, sensitive and daring vision to each project.
After several years of experience in architectural agencies on various projects, Lucie Tordjman chose to fully embody her vision within MAESTRA. Her view goes well beyond the pragmatic and economic aspects of a project; it is anchored in an artistic sensitivity and a constantly renewed creativity. It supports her clients at each stage, from design to completion, for all types of projects: offices, schools, businesses, individual and collective housing, mixed real estate programs.
MAESTRA’s values
Empathy: MAESTRA places listening and understanding at the heart of its approach. By absorbing the needs of each client, it guarantees appropriate and fair responses.
Transmission: Promoting and transforming architectural heritage is a source of inspiration for MAESTRA, which thus ensures harmonious continuity between past and present.
Creativity: MAESTRA sees each project as a unique opportunity to overcome environmental and construction constraints, thanks to creativity nourished by the context and challenges of the site.
The environment: Respecting people, places and the environment is a constant commitment. MAESTRA ARCHITECTURE favors the reuse of existing elements and opts for solutions with a low ecological impact, in order to design eco-responsible and sustainable projects.
Do not hesitate to call on the services of Lucie Tordjman for your projects!
Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Multi-unit Residential
Building Upgrades
Architects Registration Board