69009 Lyon
69009 Lyon
100% free - 100% without obligation
Atelier JAR is an architectural agency located in the Lyon region, founded by Jérémie RAY. Graduated from the Lyon National School of Architecture and won the Lyon Young Architecture Prize in 2016.
The JAR workshop, with its varied professional experience, supports you on all types of projects, from new construction to renovation, from interior to exterior, from individuals to the public, from decorative advice to the definition of needs. . Individual housing, businesses, offices, ERP, the workshop uses its skills and resources to adapt to your needs to enable you to carry out your project.
The workshop's design philosophy revolves around two key points, the client and the environmental footprint.
Because the creation of premises is an important marker of a life journey, the workshop strives to create a relationship of trust with its client in order to understand the needs, values, desires and support in the realization of your project, from the definition of needs, to site monitoring and delivery. Exchange is the best tool available to develop the fairest project adapted to each situation; it is an integral part of the design process.
The act of building through its sustainability cannot escape reflection on its environmental footprint. This is why the JAR workshop strives to put these eco-design skills at the service of your projects to, at the same time, best meet your needs, but also limit the environmental impact of its achievements. . To do so; biosourced materials, low carbon footprint, reflection on orientations, pragmatism of structure, passive strategies, modularity of spaces are all tools that can be used to create projects that meet their programmatic requirements while responding to environmental awareness.
Each project is unique, the JAR workshop puts its skills at your service to create yours! Versatile and efficient, the workshop knows how to adapt to constraints, they are even a source of inspiration, and will be able to support you for your future project.
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Country Homes
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Energy renovation
New Build
Architects Registration Board