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Atelier 25 architecture was formed in 2021 by Justin Malmoustier, DPLG architect with 17 years of experience.

It is a workshop on a human scale which intervenes to:

  • For professionals: Collective housing for promotion and social landlords, offices, business and industrial premises, establishments open to the public (ERP), commerce
  • For individuals: New individual house, extension, elevation, renovation, overall thermal rehabilitation

The projects entrusted to us can be either full mission (design and monitoring of works) or partial mission (feasibility, sketch, design with or without "building permit" or "prior declaration", consultation of craftsmen and companies ). The true vocation of Atelier 25 is to build and support in the act of building, so most of the missions are complete missions.

The specificity of Atelier 25 is an environmentally friendly approach. The environment must be understood according to two definitions:

  • The environment is the natural environment, planet earth in general. As architecture is often linked to the artificialization of land, the aim is to limit this impact while promoting the quality of use of the developed spaces. The choices are towards virtuous materials both in terms of their manufacturing (biosourced, local, low CO2 impact) and their intrinsic qualities (thermal, health, acoustics, etc.).

This approach is accompanied by the development of simple technical solutions while avoiding the systematic use of technologies that are often energy-intensive and which make use complex and maintenance costly.


  • But the environment is also the immediate environment. So it’s about creating an approach that respects the relationship with the natural and built spaces adjoining and close to the site. Architecture and planning must be integrated into their context: natural environment (even if it is not very present in an urban site), built environment (even if the architecture does not necessarily reproduce the characteristics of traditional local buildings , it communicates by creating a link with the surrounding constructions).

At Atelier 25, before building more, we orient the design towards the best. We think of multifunctional spaces, or spaces for future needs and functions making the project scalable. The project also adopts a bioclimatic approach to position itself in a favorable relationship with natural and meteorological elements.

This interest in sustainable development has been reinforced thanks to certified and labeled training in DDQE Sustainable Development and Environmental Quality in land use planning, town planning, architecture and construction (one-year long training course with SCOP les 2 rives).

Each client, each construction site or each built environment in which we operate is unique. Consequently, each project is a prototype that develops its own technical and aesthetic solutions. As proof, the design is always carried out in a logic of dialogue and exchange. When the project is suitable, several solutions are proposed at the sketch stage. The architect does not impose aesthetics or functioning on the client (the client). The different versions or variants are studied to choose the solution that best meets the needs.

This in-depth work is based on precise management of the budget and planning of operations.

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Property type

Single-Family Homes

Multi-unit Residential


Commercial - industrial

Type of Work

New Build


Energy renovation








Latest Achievements

House - Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or
Office - Fermob
Retail - Around Lyon
Heritage house rehabilitation


  • - Regional
  • - National


  • - Design / Plans
  • - Building permits
  • - Construction Management
  • - Consulting
  • - Diagnostic


  • - Free first appointment

Method of Payment

  • - Transfer


  • - French

Architects Registration Board


100% free - 100% without obligation

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